Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day 2012 vote for your neighbor

It's election day in the United States of America. 
It's a day of honor and privilege for all citizens in our republic.  It's also the beautiful day when billions spent on advertising on television, internet, radio, print ads, bill boards, and phone calls comes to a blessed end.  And it's a day to remember our neighbors.
Christians are called to honor God first in their lives and God calls on us to honor our neighbor's lives and well being as we honor our own.   Election day is no different for Jesus followers. When we vote we vote for our neighbor's good as much as our own.
Jesus called his first followers to do onto others as they would have done onto themselves.  His direction to honor neighbors and look out for their well being isn't novel.  Jesus joined the great line of ancient Hebrew prophets who called on God's people Israel to honor God with lives of simple worship--lives in which the poor--specifically widows, orphans, and aliens in the midst of the nation--who were cared for by the people.
It's a day to look ahead as much as behind.  The good thing about our republic is that we are moving into the future together.  Even through great struggles like economic depression and natural disasters we have moved forward for nearly 225 years as a republic.  Some say there is too much resistence in our age--but looking back at the incredible resistance of the civil war in the 1860s and civil rights struggle in the 1960s it's clear that our republic is moving into the future together as imperfect as ever. 
So go and vote--vote for what's good for you and for your neighbor.
Pax, John
publish simultaneously at http://unlikelyj.tumblr.com/post/35124234741/election-day-2012-vote-for-your-neighbor

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Building a new garage

There's been a little adventure for me this fall.  Tearing down two old garages to build one new.  About 2 months ago many good things came together; and we're able to build a garage.  After months of talking and cad work to design I've started framing this week.
3 weeks ago the work got going as good friends James, Peter, Dan, and Tim came to help.  Demolition was quite fun.  Thanks especially to Pete,who brought the splitting maul and really got the demolition going.  This picture is priceless
The demolition is over and now comes to construction.  3 10 yard dump trailers were hauled away full before the floor.  Dean, Donna and Greg do great work with concrete and really gave us a great surface to work with as we build. 

As a pastor I get some funny looks when people find I'm taking a vacation at home to build a new garage.  There's a lot of curiosity and a lot of support too.  There's something wonderful it all of it--wondering if this was part of Jesus experience.  He had all the creative energy of the universe and yet chose to work as a carpenter.  I don't have all his ability or strength--but I do wonder if he thought through the problems of laying out and creatively building.

The past 2 days have been framing days for me.  I'm about 2/3's done.  Tomorrow I'll hopefully get everything lined up to hoist trusses on Saturday.  I'm hoping for lots of friends will make up a healthy crew.
Peace, John
published simultaneously unlikelybanter.blogspot.com and unlikelyj.tumblr.com

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Norah's Playhouse part 1

My summer includes building a playhouse this year.  As our youngest daughter will be the one who has the most chance to play with it I decided to name it Norah'.  The older two girls have protested the name so right now its just the playhouse for Norah and the club house for Faith and Gracia
The Floor:
Every building starts someplace and this one starts with a floor built up on concrete piers.  This playhouse sits on the wettest spot on our lot and the piers should keep it high and dry.  

The floor is a 6 foot span with 4x6 lumber on the sides and 6 2x6 joists in the middle.   I had a great deal of help from Faith setting screws for the floor.  She didn't quite understand why dad was insistent on drawing so many straight lines though.

I started work on the floor about 10 days ago.  Now its up been up 8 days and the walls which took about a week of evenings to construct are just about ready to go on.  If things go well the walls will be up before nightfall thanks to friends coming to help raise the sides of this little house.

The plans for this house are from a book with some alterations most especially for the roof but I will explain that in a later post. 

Look back for more updates as the progress continues.  

take care, John