Sunday, July 22, 2012

Norah's Playhouse part 1

My summer includes building a playhouse this year.  As our youngest daughter will be the one who has the most chance to play with it I decided to name it Norah'.  The older two girls have protested the name so right now its just the playhouse for Norah and the club house for Faith and Gracia
The Floor:
Every building starts someplace and this one starts with a floor built up on concrete piers.  This playhouse sits on the wettest spot on our lot and the piers should keep it high and dry.  

The floor is a 6 foot span with 4x6 lumber on the sides and 6 2x6 joists in the middle.   I had a great deal of help from Faith setting screws for the floor.  She didn't quite understand why dad was insistent on drawing so many straight lines though.

I started work on the floor about 10 days ago.  Now its up been up 8 days and the walls which took about a week of evenings to construct are just about ready to go on.  If things go well the walls will be up before nightfall thanks to friends coming to help raise the sides of this little house.

The plans for this house are from a book with some alterations most especially for the roof but I will explain that in a later post. 

Look back for more updates as the progress continues.  

take care, John