Saturday, February 9, 2008

Yep I did Caucus Tuesday

Well I did it.
I caucused on Tuesday.
I'd expected my beloved to go along too, but it was just me and the short people who live with us. The choral group she sings with had rehearsal and she felt she needed to sing more that participate in the Democratic process. My initial plan had just been to cancel out her vote. But without her going I felt the freedom to pick the best candidate on the list.

I went to the Democratic caucus and I hemmed and hawed. There were several on the ballot who dropped out a month ago after Iowa and two more who dropped out in the last couple of weeks. Living so close to Iowa we've seen TV ads and heard radio commentary and ads about many who weren't a factor in this years election at all. Having read my fill about the candidates before Iowa I decided I wouldn't pick between the front runners. I picked Bill Richardson. I know he's suspended his campaign; but I liked him best over a month ago and I still liked him best of all the candidates on my caucus ballot this week.

My wife says it was a wasted vote. A good friend who talks politics with me ever couple weeks agreed with her adding, "he's a statesman, just like Lieberman and they never get elected." But hey I can vote in a caucus for the person I think has the will to govern.

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