Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saying Goodbye to Albion

I went back to Kenyon today.
I've been part of Kenyon twice.
Once as a Pastor for two and a half years and again as a stay at home dad for about 8 months after our older two girls were born.
It's a tight knit town, who today said good-bye to Al Rodde. He was known in town as a man who laughed, told a lot of stories, was ready to debate, had a deep faith, and befriended lots of people including me and my family.
Albion could be found 5 days a week, except major holidays, at the grill in town having coffee at 10:15. I joined him and a group of about a dozen others to debate the issues of the day, tell old jokes, and laugh together. Today it was a blessing to watch that same group of guys serve as pallbearers for Albion.
I found out today that I'm not the only pastor who has a framed copy of the Beatitudes with a single spaced note of thanks and encouragement hanging in his office from Al.

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