Monday, June 14, 2010

Summer Time Adventures

Summer rhythms are different for our family than school year life.
The thing I notice most with our kids this year is that they have more time to just be kids.
We see them on the porch drawing at the easel for an hour at a time. We see them playing with the neighbors and with each other. There's time throughout the day to read whatever, draw whatever, think about and talk about whatever.
We banter back and forth as parents about how much TV they ought to watch or how many video games they ought to play. But the truth is our girls are
Garrison Keillor in a monologue recently said that kids can just lay under a tree and look at it rather than thinking about what it is and what it's doing scientifically they can take in the beauty of the tree.
Summer's a gift the more I think about it.

1 comment:

Pa Rum Pum Pum Pum said...

Nat has grown to hate the rainy days--he wants nothing more than to play at the park amongst the other kids.